Thursday, September 23, 2010


"The persistent teacher not only points out that learning has no finish line for students, but lives according to that principle as well."

This quote really hit me, just because you learn all through school doesn't mean you quit learning when you graduate. I feel that everyone can continue to learn all there lives, there is always something to learn. This is something that students should see in the classroom, let them see that you are still learning right along with them. Just because you are the teacher doesn't mean you have learned it "ALL." Teach them that they could succeed in life, accomplish great things because there is no finish line in learning.

"To know you, I must find many ways to listen to you and to learn about you."

I really liked this quote, it made me think how important it is to really get to know your students. To me that is taking the time to really show them that you care. I feel like if a teacher will listen, she not only listens with her ears but with her heart. Students know how a teacher will feel about them, by the way she makes them feel. Showing them that you are interested in what they have to say and do will leave a great impact on a student. If a teacher will sincerely listen with real intent she could get to know the student on a deeper level and could touch their lives forever.

"Failure is not an option."

I agree with this quote, to me it says," keep on trying" no matter how many times you feel liked you've failed, never give up no matter what any one says. As a teacher you should never give up on a student, no matter how much he/she is struggling, continue to find ways that will reach the student so they can say, "I can do this!" Help them to believe in themselves and to not give up. If a student believes that a teacher believes in them, this could boost a students confidence and help them to reach for the stars.

Friday, September 10, 2010

creating community in a classroom

I feel it is important to create community in the classroom. Sylvia had such wonderful insights she taught us. If a student does not feel comfortable and safe in the classroom then school could become a challenge for some students. A teacher can make all the difference in the world for a student by how she runs her class and what she teaches the students. If students are taught to respect one another, help each other, treat each other with kindness, learn to be responsible for their actions, what a great way to continue success in the classroom. A teacher does not have to do the same things "all" the other teachers are doing. Be yourself, do what works best for your students. Morning meetings can start the day off right, a short amount of time can make all the difference for the rest of the day and the treasures you can teach your students, are priceless. I say to myself that is worth it all! You may not know how you have touched a students life until years later when they come back to you and say thank you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emotions trump learning

I do agree with this thought to some degree, emotions can trump learning, if it is a positive experience and they understand the concepts being taught, are not shy, not afraid to speak up or ask for help, but on other hand i feel it can dissolve learning. If a student is struggling and doesn't get the help he/she needs then it can become a negative experience and he/she can shut down and not have a desire to continue to learn. This can be a fearful thing for a child, and can continue to spiral down until they have lost the desire to learn.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teachers establish ties

As i read this, what comes to mind is that you can learn so much from a student, As they gain your trust they will be more willing to share their hearts with you. I feel that as a teacher he/she should establish ties with each of the students, so she can be a better teacher and know how to touch their lives. In morning meetings you can learn a great deal from the students as they share what is happening in their lives. You can really get to know them on a more personal basis. As this happens the ties continue to connect and makes each lives more rich.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

wild flowers

As i look at the different flowers and their colors, it makes me think of how each child is unique. They bring a different style of themselves and personalities into the classroom. Each one wants to shine and be noticed. They want their colors to be noticed by others. Each student growing and blossoming into a beautiful person as they learn and grow. If we were all the same in every way, how boring the world would be. Its all the different people and colors that make up a beautiful field of wild flowers

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reflection #6

My, where do i start? Field was a great experience i learned so much. I loved it and can't wait to get my own classroom. My favorite part was the art projects that the students worked on. First we had them color a Utah map of lake Bonneville, the mountains, plateaus, and basins. We had them write a key then the next day we had them make a salt dough map. Wow what a great success! They loved it and it was so fun to see how creative each students were. I loved walking around and seeing them put waves in the water (some of the boys put boats) the mountains were different shapes and sizes, some put arches in the plateau area. It was so much fun the whole 3 1/2 weeks i didn't want it to end. When we were discussion our lesson plans with our teacher, she said you may not want to do salt dough cause it is a mess and a nightmare, well when the day came she was amazed at how smooth it went. she said she was sorry for even saying she thought it would be a mess. I feel that we had everything so well prepared that it went smooth. The students made comments on how they loved the salt dough maps. I feel you can integrate art into your lesson plans. Whether it be dance, music, drama or visual arts. It can all be a great experience for teachers and students.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reflection 5
It was a lot of fun to learn about all the different illustrators, to see the different way they do art. I love to create with colored paper, paint, drawing etc. That has always been my favorite. I enjoy looking at art pictures. I feel that artist can express themselves by the way they paint or create the art. I love how you can use the different elements to create art. The texture, color, form etc. Children could learn so much just from the elements. What you showed in class today i learned a great deal about art.